Sunday 14 September 2008


Well, we've made it !! Still pinching myself that we're actually here. The flights went really well and we all managed at least a little sleep on the LA flight thanks to getting pretty cool seats upstairs on the 747 400. LA airport was under construction but was really easy to find our way around.

The Boys catch some zzzzzzzzzzz's onthe Nadi -LA flight

The American Airlines hostess greeted all the passengers with a cup off coffee in her hand and chewing gum (classy ), it was a pay for everything flight, including the earphones even. The in flight entertainment consisted of 3 hours of crap and 1 good movie. Still it was a good flight and although we arrived 12:30 am it was only about 6:00 pm Fiji Time, so the kids were in good form.

Once we got to New York, we were whisked away by a NY yellow cab and found our hotel a lot smaller than it looks in the photo's but still very comfortable and in a fantastic spot right on Time Square. Today was spent orienting ourselves and taking a trip on the Circle Line ferries that took us right the way around Manhattan Island.

Tommorrow we are planning a trip through Centrl Park to the Natural History Museum and across to Dylan Candy Store. The kids have discovered Kids 'R Us store and have a plan to tak us back there again.....

Fingers crossed we will be able to get some tickets for the Yankee Stadium tomorrow, failing that we will try for a show.

Love to all, will be in touch again soon.

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